Monday, March 4, 2013


states of matter


For my first topic, I will be talking about the states of matter, if you haven't already figured out from the title. One thing you need to know, before I go any further is that matter is that it makes up everything. 

Now that I've said that, let's begin.

The three states are: solids, liquids, and gases.

I will attempt to explain the three states of matter to you in a way that you will understand, by using an analogy.

Imagine you're at a Christmas dinner, and all of your family members are there. You have your parents, pesky  younger siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, pesky younger cousins and grandparents. After having a delicious turkey and whatever else people eat for Christmas dinner, everyone is stuffed. So, the adults, migrate to your small living room to argue about politics, brag about how their kids are better, and of course, sit around and talk boring topics you don't really about.

These adults are solids. A solid's particles are closely packed, do not move around, and only vibrate in place. Likewise, these adults, once seated on the couches, don't move. They fidget (as is human nature), but they don't get up or walk around.

If everyone just had dinner, then whose's cleaning everything up? It's obvious; since the fates seem to hate you, you're stuck with your cousins Margie and Ash to sweep up the mess, that the lazy adults won't. And so, the three of you move around freely between the kitchen and dining room, all the while feeling like lowly servants.

Liquids' particles have more room to move around, but they're still near each other. It's the same as you're doing the dishes. You wash the tableware, Ash rinses them, and Margie dries them. Although, close to each other, you and your cousins do not resemble a can of sardines, like the huddled adults in the living room.

And obviously, what Christmas dinner wouldn't have a bunch of screaming little kids? These seven pesticides called children, are currently running around your house, high on sugar, breaking everything. Like gases, which spread around trying to fill up all the space possible, there is not one inch of your house that has been untouched, due to the gas-like kids.

So, even though Christmas is one of your favorite holidays, you honestly hate any type of family gatherings.

(And if you don't celebrate Christmas, use your imagination. If you can't, then you don't have one.)

If you did not understand anything I have just explained, then look at the diagram below.

To conclude this post, he is a states of matter joke:

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