Tuesday, March 5, 2013


changes in states of matter

Ignore Transpiration, it doesn't want to be part of the story.

The picture above me is of the water cycle! You have your sun, your water, the clouds, and everything else in between. 

You can't really have this cycle without the water, which is crucial to all living things. But, I will not talk about only water, because I have to talk about how the states keep changing. Before, that, I have a little background story that you might find amusing. If you do not want to hear it, skip the next paragraph. 

The other day, I was trying to teach my siblings about the water cycle. And it was going well; I was talking and they were on the sofa, not fidgeting. Halfway through, I realized that both my siblings were starting to fall asleep from my boring lecture. Since, I want my younger siblings to be well educated, I decided to teach them the topic a different way. By story time! So, here is the story all about the simplified and scientifically inaccurate water cycle:

Once upon a time in a vast kingdom called the Earth, there were two friends: Wally the Water, Connie the Cloud. Although, they were the best of friends, they lived very far away from each other, so it was hard for them to play together. But, in a kingdom far far away, there lived Sunny the Sun. Sunny was a very kind creature, so he would help Connie and Wally play together. Everyday in the summertime, Sunny would shine his light onto the Earth. Because Sunny was really hot, parts of Wally would evaporate-- changing from a liquid to a gas-- and go up to where Connie was. At night, when Sunny had to leave, the temperature would drop and heat energy would also lower. (Quick lesson: Thermal Energy and temperature are two different things. Thermal energy is how fast the particles in an object move. The faster the particles, the hotter an object is.)

When that happened, Wally would go through condensation to go back home. 

During the bitter winter months, Connie and Wally couldn't play together very much. Due to the freezing temperature, Wally would freeze and change from a liquid to a solid. 

However, these two friends would always stay friends. And so, Connie the Cloud and Wally the Water remained friends forever. 

the end

Hope you liked this really inaccurate story of the water cycle with accurate of the changes in states of matter! 

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